A sister is someone of a family
An older or younger sister
Someone to confide in
Blame trouble on
Share secrets and gossip
And run to four advice
No one could ever break sisters apart
Fights after fights
Tears after tears
Secrets after secrets
Laughter after laughter
There is an inseparable bond
A sister doesn't have to be blood-related
Nor in an exclusive family
You, My best friend, are all of the above
Through our years,
There were plenty of fights, secrets, gossip, tears, and laughs
Some things you and I will never forget
That is the true meaning of being sisters.
I miss you… This is for you know that won’t cry even though I want to.. Take care.. Life is all about living life with overcoming all the failure on the way….Don’t worry.. You’ll do just fine. Stop Crying!! and Try to explore things there.. This is specially dedicated to you
nice write up...truly a sincere wish can move mountains!...tak care!
October 17, 2009 at 4:33 AMPost a Comment